
Cindy Stockton Moore

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'La Mare au Diablo'
as installed at University of the Arts, Hamilton Galleries, Philadelphia, PA
a part of the exhibition 'Drawing First + Last: Drawing as Primary Practice'
August 24 - September 17, 2015
Installation view, 'La Mare au Diablo', 2015
A site-specific wall drawing, 9.5' x 14.5 feet, in the Hamilton Gallery: University of the Art
Ink and Graphite on Wall.
'La Mare au Diablo' is a site specific drawing that explores the intersection of Romanticism, drawing and the urban environment.
This temporary, large-scale drawing uses Philadelphia's 'Devils Pool' as a setting, a contested site of leisure that some call unsafe and polluted while others swear by its pristine water. Staged at an illegal swimming hole located within the city limits, this idyllic scene is tinged with danger and debris.
The title is drawn from a novella by George Sand; this project shares an interest in questioning depictions of life within a given environment and illuminating complex connections between figure and landscape.
Wall layout, 'La Mare au Diablo,' wall drawing. Ink and Graphite on Wall, 2015.
Detail: 'La Mare au Diablo,' Ink and Graphite on Wall, 2015.
Detail: 'La Mare au Diablo,' Ink and Graphite on Wall, 2015.
Detail: 'La Mare au Diablo,' Ink and Graphite on Wall, 2015.
Detail: 'La Mare au Diablo,' Ink and Graphite on Wall, 2015.
Detail: 'La Mare au Diablo,' Ink and Graphite on Wall, 2015.
Detail: 'La Mare au Diablo,' Ink and Graphite on Wall, 2015.
Installation view, 'La Mare au Diablo', 2015
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